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Ready to find out what MSU Denver can do for you? We’ve got you covered.
West Classroom Building, Suite 162
Feel free to stop by our office Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for assistance with the following:
Visit the additional sections below for detailed information and resources related to School of Education programs.
Location: West Classroom WC 156
The School of Education Technology Lab offers services to assist School of Education students and professors with their technology needs. The lab is open for specific hours during the week when staffed by our student employee(s) or Educational Technology faculty. Our lab computers are equipped with the following software: Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat Pro, Kidspiration, Inspiration, SMART Notebook, SMART Response, ActivInspire, and more.
Due to staffing issues, we have not been able to offer open lab hours recently. We apologize for any inconvenience.
If you are interested in a work-study position working in this lab, please contact Sophia DeCubellis ([email protected]).
To be accepted into Student Teaching/Residency toward the end of your program, you must have a GPA of 2.75 or higher in the specific courses required for licensure in your program.
Please visit our SOE student interal site below to access details and the worksheets used to track this requirement throughout your licensure program
All initial teacher licensure programs at MSU Denver require students to pass the specific Praxis licensure exam(s) for their program prior to earning recommendation for teacher licensure. Current MSU Denver students can access resources and additional details on these exams at our Praxis Exam Resources page linked below.
Scholarship applications for the 2025-26 academic year are now CLOSED. Visit our SOE Students site for additional scholarship details and to plan for next year’s scholarship application period.
The School of Education offers a variety of scholarships specifically for students in our teacher preparation programs. Thanks to our many generous donors and supporters, future teachers have unique opportunities to offset the cost of their education.
Current students, please review the list below and visit our SOE Students site for details on applying for these scholarships.
The Fund is established to provide scholarships to students who, through their life experiences and hard work, display a passion for becoming excellent teachers. As a former educator, Cathryn understands that great teachers will go above and beyond to be innovative, attentive and creative in order to meet the needs of their students, and that is why grades and other traditional measures of academic achievement are not essential for this award. Cathryn’s daughter, Jennifer, is a dedicated Kindergarten teacher and mother. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Jennifer went above and beyond to keep her students engaged and excited about learning despite being in an online environment. This type of innovation and passion is what makes Lawrence and Cathryn excited to support future teachers at Cathryn’s alma mater.
This fellowship endowment is established in honor of Cecelia A. Box to provide financial support to outstanding full time students seeking professional teaching licensure. Cecelia A. Box was an Associate Professor in the Secondary Education Department from 1993-1999. During that time, she observed first hand the challenges and sacrifices students faced carrying the full time commitment of student teaching, which, for so many, conflicted with their ability to support themselves at other jobs. Students who complete a residency in place of student teaching may also apply for this scholarship.
This scholarship was established to honor the incredible life and teaching legacy of Dr. Kathleen C. Luttenegger. Kathleen was a Full Professor in Elementary Education and Literacy at Metropolitan State University of Denver. She completed her BA at Mount Holyoke College, MA in Special Education from Columbia University, MBA with a focus on Educational Administration from the University of Denver, and a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Kathleen was a National Board- Certified Teacher in the area of Middle Childhood (grades 2-5), Generalist. Her research interests included connecting field experiences with coursework for preservice teachers and formative assessment practices.
The purpose of this scholarship is to support and encourage students at MSU Denver to pursue careers in teaching. This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Freeda L. Younger who passionately taught elementary school in Colorado for over a decade. Freeda and her son John thought that the teaching profession was an avenue to help young people become inspired about life, and she requested that he establish this scholarship. Some of the best years of Freeda’s life were spent teaching and enjoying time with her kids and husband Everett in the Lakewood, Colorado area.
The Gartshore Finish Line Scholarship provides financial assistance for undergraduate students in School of Education or College of Business programs who are found to be within 24 hours of degree completion and have a demonstrated financial need. Preference may be given to those that have exhausted Federal Pell and Loan eligibility. Students must remain eligible to receive aid based on the MSU Denver Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy.
The newly established Hannah Brooke Eppley Scholarship has been set up to provide financial assistance to Early Childhood Education majors at MSU Denver. The scholarship was set up by Kyrie Eppley, an alum of MSU Denver, to honor her daughter, Brooke, whom Kyrie raised as a single parent. As an appreciative recipient of an academic scholarship while completing her undergraduate degree, Kyrie created the scholarship as a way of giving back to the MSU Denver Early Childhood community.
Preference will be given to single parents.
This scholarship, established by former MSU Denver professors Fran and Jack Kaufman, provides financial support to students seeking professional teaching licensure during the semester(s) of their full-time student teaching or residency. Fran, an Associate Professor in the Secondary Education Department from 1993-1999 and Jack, an adjunct professor during this same time, observed first-hand the challenges and sacrifices students faced carrying the full-time commitment of student teaching, which, for so many, conflicted with their ability to support themselves financially.
To provide assistance for tuition, fees, books, or basic living costs (i.e. housing, food, childcare) to one or more highly motivated, outstanding student(s) who will be doing his/her student teaching.
The Pi Nu chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, an international teaching honor society in education, recognizes the financial strain often associated with student teaching for Metropolitan State University of Denver students and wishes to provide support for a talented student, preferably a member of Kappa Delta Pi, during this phase of their teacher education.
Preference will be given to Kappa Delta Pi members.
To provide assistance to students who intend to teach middle school, this scholarship is available until the student teaching semester.
The purpose of this scholarship is to offer financial assistance to future teachers at the Middle School educational level. Middle School students present many challenges and the teacher must understand the uniqueness of this age group. This special teacher should have a broad knowledge of his/her subject matter, a caring attitude, love of learning , knowledge of discipline and classroom management techniques, a sense of humor and a desire to make a difference in the lives of young people. Marge Fisch was a Language Arts teacher in Jefferson County and a mentor to other teachers.
This fund has been established, at the request of Michael Bentley, with the goal of helping Adams City High School students successfully complete their first year of studies at Metropolitan State University of Denver.
The scholarship is offered to students who have graduated from Adams City High School and have been accepted to MSU, with the end goal of obtaining Colorado certification to teach science, math, technology or STEM. The scholarship is offered through MSU Denver because of their First Year Success Program. This program supports Mr. Bentley’s desire to assist these Adams City students in their first year and renewable each year thereafter if the student meets the established criteria.
In recognition of the correlation between teacher quality, including mastery of content knowledge and student achievement, the National Science Foundation’s Robert Noyce Scholarship Program, named for a pioneer of semiconductor development and founder of the semiconductor industry, seeks to encourage talented mathematics, science, and engineering students to pursue teaching careers.
Metropolitan State University of Denver mathematics and science majors who are becoming secondary teachers AND secondary education post-bacs in mathematics or science are invited to apply for U-STEM Scholarships. Scholarships cover a majority of the personal expense incurred with attendance at MSU Denver– $5,000 (pre-student teaching) to $8,000 (during student teaching), for a maximum of four semesters of full time enrollment. Once a U-STEM Scholar is in the program, they will continue to receive scholarship funds each semester as long as they fulfill the service requirements of the scholarship, AND maintain good academic progress (minimum 2.75 GPA).
To provide assistance to students during their student teaching/residency semester(s).
This scholarship is established to address the identified financial needs of students who are in the last stages of preparing to be teachers, i.e. doing their student teaching or residency. During that time, they cannot be employed, which creates a significant burden on them. The Peierls Foundation wants to support them becoming teachers and reduce the financial stress and problems that affect many of these students. The foundation highly values the contribution made by teachers in our community.
To provide scholarship to students majoring in Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education.
This endowed scholarship is established by Dr. Rosemarie Allen and her husband, Don, to honor Dr. Allen’s 17-year career and educational legacy at Metropolitan State University of Denver. There is something special about the students that attend MSU Denver and more specifically, students of color wishing to enter into the field of teaching. Dr. Rosemarie Allen has experienced first-hand the barriers that prevent students from becoming licensed teachers and as a non-licensed teacher, she knew she made less than her peers. Providing financial support to students during their semester(s) of student teaching will ensure that the recipients do not need to drop out or go the route of non-licensure and can apply for higher paying jobs thus closing the equity/pay gap for educators of color. Increasing the number of teachers of color may also help to mediate problematic social trends and opportunity gaps in the schooling experiences of students of color. This endowed scholarship is established by an exceptional educator, faculty award-winner and community member to support the next generation of educators of color.
To provide assistance annually to benefit any prospective student teacher or resident seeking licensure at Metropolitan State University of Denver. The student may be degree seeking or just seeking licensure.
Preference will be given to SNEA members.
To provide assistance to students planning to teach elementary education.
Prior to her arrival at Metropolitan State University of Denver in 2001, Dr. Suzanne W. Dunshee spent over thirty years in the classroom as an educator in the public school system. She considered public education to be the strongest forum for young individuals to cultivate and pursue their ambitions. This scholarship has been established with the purpose of providing for students in the study of elementary education who demonstrate a similar level of dedication and diligence to future achievement in public education.
All students interested in Financial Aid should begin by completing a FAFSA application on or before March 1st at For assistance, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at 303-556-8593.
All students interested in Scholarships should complete a scholarship application with the MSU Denver Scholarship Center. The Scholarship Center can be reached at 303-556-6384.
Start by reviewing the School of Education scholarships.
Visit the Scholarship Center website for more information on applying for non-School of Education scholarships. You can also view the entire list of available scholarships here: Gender Institute for Teaching and Advocacy page.
Additional scholarships that may relate to Education students:
Richard D. & Mary Pat McCormick Endowed Scholarship
3.5 GPA; financial need-based (FAFSA), degree- or licensure-seeking student; preference to teacher education candidate who is willing to student teach at a Parochial school and interested in teaching at a Parochial school upon graduation. Scholarship Center, (303) 556-6384.
Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Award
Financial support is awarded through the Knowles Fellowship programs for secondary math and science education students. Visit the Knowles Science Teaching Foundation website for details.
Pell Grant is offered to undergraduate first degree-seeking students who qualify. Visit the Office of Financial Aid for information on qualifications for the Pell Grant.
Undergraduate Teacher Education students seeking licensure in secondary math or science, special education, K-12 modern languages (Spanish), or elementary education with an added endorsement in linguistically diverse may be eligible to apply for a Federal TEACH Grant. Contact the Office of Financial Aid for eligibility information.
Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program
Forgives the remaining balance on your Federal Direct Loans after 120 qualifying payments (10 years). View complete program details.
Teacher Loan Forgiveness
Forgives up to $17,500 of your Direct or FFEL Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loans after 5 complete and consecutive years of teaching at a qualifying school. View complete program details.
Perkins Loan Cancellation for Teachers
Forgives up to 100% of your Federal Perkins Loan Program if you teach full-time at a low-income school, or if you teach certain subjects. View complete program details (scroll down to “Teacher Cancellation”).
State-Sponsored Student Loan Forgiveness Programs
Tons of states offer loan forgiveness programs for teachers—especially if you teach in a high need area. The American Federation of Teachers has a great searchable database you can use to find state and local forgiveness programs you might qualify for.
For more information on loan forgiveness for teachers, visit the Federal Student Aid webpage for Teacher Loan Forgiveness or meet with a counselor at the MSU Denver Office of Financial Aid, Student Success Building, (303) 556-8593.
More information on Student Loan Forgiveness for Teachers
Work-study positions at MSU Denver
Visit the Student Employment Opportunities web page to search available work-study and student hourly jobs at MSU Denver. To earn work-study funding, you must apply for a work-study grant through the Office of Financial Aid.
Substitute Teaching
Pay for substitute teaching is approximately $80-$120 a day. Teacher candidates with a bachelor’s degree can get a license to substitute teach for three years. Opportunities vary by district and subject shortage areas. Visit the Colorado Department of Education website for details and application.
Form Name | Form Description |
Disposition Form – Field Placement Setting | Disposition form used for field placements. |
Disposition Form – University Setting | Disposition form used for University settings. |
FERPA Student Consent for Letter of Recommendation | Form for students to provide consent to School of Education faculty and staff to provide a letter of recommendation. |
Incomplete Agreement | Agreement form initiated by a School of Education course instructor to award a grade of “Incomplete” for a course. |
Registration Guide for School of Education Courses | A detailed document explaining requirements and processes for registering for classes within the School of Education. |
Update Your Info | Use this form to update your information with the School of Education. This includes name, phone number, address, advisor, licensure program, major, minor, etc. Please note: you must be active with the university and currently accepted to an undergraduate or post-baccalaureate School of Education program to use this form. |
Withdraw from a Program | Use this form to request withdrawal form an undergraduate or post-baccalaureate School of Education program. |
SEDM Observation Form | Observation form for SEDM field experiences |